

Welcome to my blog. I document my collection of translated vegetarian recipe, life in a interracial marriage, tips to master mandarin and life possibility as a SAHM/WAHM.
Hope you have a nice stay!

February 2024

February 2024

going into the 2nd month of the year and I’m again feeling like I’m stuck.

There’s always so many things running through my head and then I get this feeling of sharp pain in my heart …sometimes its something someone said, or something I saw..

Just the other day, I was standing at my usual spot while waiting to pick up ZT from school and this guy walked and stood right in front of me. I froze…because he looked like Jozef, even the side profile. Those feelings came creeping up and I just froze and my head went blank.

Life had been interesting. ZT broke his arm in January and I had to face that same fear and uncertainty walking into that same hospital. All the unresolved anger towards that place came creeping up…while I frantically try to keep my emotions under control for my son. I’m his only support at that moment, and I wasn’t going to fail him.

Just the other day, I asked myself, what am I trying to prove to myself or to who am i trying to prove that I am capable? Is it necessary? I don’t think I’m ready to face the truth or see the answer.

June 2024

June 2024

Weekend Ramblings

Weekend Ramblings