What is going on in my life (February 2018)
Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash
So, I've been neglecting the blog again...as usual.
Sometimes it feels like I have so much to say but then again...NOTHING to say/write.
There are quite a few BIG things that happened since I last blogged. I've managed to stop again, right here at this moment - I just completely blanked out.
They always say that if you have something in mind and you believe in it so strong....SO STRONG that it will eventually come true. Right now, it looks like life is leading me towards the direction that might actually make some of that come true...But here comes the scary part, do I take that leap or should I stay safe and stay put.
It is true that everything comes with a certain risk. I have no problem risking if I"m single. It's a little different when it comes to being a family person. SO many things to factor in - especially the future for the kids. Am I making decisions based on my own wants/ needs disguised as wanting to create a better future for my kids or am I REALLY thinking about what would be the best for their future?
Who am I to know or to be so sure that my decision will pan out to be the right one for my kids/ family?
I've always been willing to make adjustments but I also need to think if it is worth it or not?
So these days I've been busy, not only with my life but also thinking it over and over again - what should my next move be?