

Welcome to my blog. I document my collection of translated vegetarian recipe, life in a interracial marriage, tips to master mandarin and life possibility as a SAHM/WAHM.
Hope you have a nice stay!

I don't read daily news anymore because...

I don't read daily news anymore because...

Nowadays I don't read the news. 
Not because I want to be an ignorant person, but simply because I have enough of all the negativity that is spreading around. On social media its even worst, people share all sorts of bad news and it just keeps rolling on your facebook feed, twitter page, etc...there's no ending to it.

I'm not living in a la la land and pretending that the world is only filled with beautiful, happy thoughts & things. I do know that the world we are in at this moment is filled with so many unhappy people, unfulfilled promises, heartbreaks, disappointments, regrets...that is life and we are human. 
I know that we feel the pain, we yearn to belong, we want to be accepted...
I know that we are carrying all sorts of responsibilities with us, we have families to take care of, we have work, we need to meet deadlines....
But I also know deep inside...we all have DREAMS. Dreams that were screaming out to us. Although we burry them deep inside, we silence them with our daily chores, we ignore them by giving our own excuses, we justify why we do that...
Day after day, we do that...and slowly we forget about them...or at least the screaming doesn't seem too loud anymore and its all good to carry on our mundane life.

I think as we grow up, we are filled with so many negativity and it kills us slowly. 

Just like this morning, my husband got up and was feeling crappy. He turned on the computer and read several news about the immigrants in Europe and that angered him or at least that fueled his crappiness. Then he continues to rambles about something that was upsetting him from yesterday. My son cried because the sickness was still there and he wasn't feeling particularly happy. 

ALL of that were drowning me. like...BIG TIME. 

Not that I don't care about it. But at that moment, it felt....TOO MUCH. 

What can I do about all of that? 

The immigrants issue will be there, two sides of the stories and no one wants to be called the one who is standing on the wrong side. So what then? 
About the thing that happened yesterday....What can we do? it is the past. The person who said something that made someone unhappy...well, I agree that what the person said was wrong and he could have be a little more emphatic but again, that is him....I am ME. There will always be people who have underlying issues and puts it on others to make themselves feel better. I can't deal with every single person's issues...
My son is sick, he cries, he throw tantrums....What now? I could get extremely annoyed but that's not helping anyone or anything. It will only escalates the whole situation and our morning would be ruined.

THAT is why I refused to get my mental state ruined by daily upsetting news, that is why I choose to ignore negativity, not to feed into it...because, I have enough of it. for 30 plus years...I'm done.

I want to balance up my own mental I drown myself in motivating videos, speeches early in the morning...
I dream BIG...
I envision a better life for myself and my family in the next 3-5 years...
I believe that there is a better way out...
I KNOW that I deserve more than this...

So, for anyone that reads this, I just want you to know...

You deserve more in your life...
You deserve to be happy....

Lets stop spreading the unhappiness and negativity around...
Lets give more love to everyone we meet virtually or in real life...
That's the least we could do as a human being...
We are capable of that because we were created with love ❤️

5 Easy Steps to Get Mentally Recharged in the morning

5 Easy Steps to Get Mentally Recharged in the morning

Gearing up for success

Gearing up for success